90,978+ WordPress attacks happen per MINUTE. There's a 73% chance your website is vulnerable...

Stop using confusing and bloated WordPress security plugins that slow down your site.

Let WP Force Field protect your site from hackers, bad bots and malware, in a few clicks...

Designed by team of security experts

Locks the bad guys out of your site with a few clicks

Secure your site, without paying $1000s for malware removal

3 Alarming WordPress Security Statistics


Every week, Google blacklists close to 20,000 websites for malware.

(Source: WPBeginner)


73% of the 40,000 most popular WordPress websites are vulnerable to attack.

(Source: WP White Security)


In a study, out of the 8,000 infected websites , 74% were built on WordPress.

(Source: Sucuri.net)

3 Ways Hackers Hurt Your Site

  • They redirect your pages to offers for drugs, guns and adult sites. This will destroy your reputation...
  • They get your site classified as "malicious." A quick way to get your site banned by Google...
  • They steal your subscribers' emails and spam them. You could get labeled a spammer for no reason...

Typical Malware-Removal Cost

malware removal service
malware removal service 2
malware removal service 3

7 Ways WP Force Field Protects Your Website

Update WordPress core

1) Automatically updates your WordPress version

Hackers find loopholes in outdated WordPress code - and use them to inject malicious code in your website. 

By constantly using the latest WordPress version, you automatically get the latest security "patches" and hackers can't find outdated code to attack.

Update WordPress plugins and themes

2) Alerts you of outdated themes and plugins and updates them

Outdated themes and plugins are a ticking time bomb waiting to explode in your site. Hackers constantly look for outdated code they can exploit.

By updating your plugins and themes, hackers can't use them to inject malicious code in your website.

Activate inactive themes and plugins

3) Alerts you of inactive themes and plugins and updates them

Inactive plugins and themes can be insidious. We tend to not pay that much attention to them "because we don't use them."

BUT, they still exist in your website. If they get outdated, hackers can use them as back-doors to cause all kinds of trouble.

4) Automatically updates your plugins and themes, in the future

Even if your plugins and themes are updated now, they can easily get outdated after a few days.

WP Force Field keeps them updated forever, on complete autopilot.

Hard to guess username

5) Helps you secure your username and display name

The most usual username is "admin" and its derivatives. This makes it easy for hackers to guess it.

But, even if you use a hard-to-guess username, hackers can guess it through the publicly-visible "display name" (which is the same as the username by default). WP Force Field fixes this.

block author enumeration

6) Stops hackers from finding your author info

Hackers are becoming sophisticated. Even if you hide your "author name", they can still look at something called "author permalinks" and find out the display names of all the authors of a WordPress website (or, the single author if there's only one). WP Force Field fixes this loophole.

hide WordPress login page

7) Hides actual login page

Hackers will perform a "brute force" attack on your website's login page. For example: /wp-login.php or /wp-admin.

WP Force Field disables the "wp-admin" redirect to your login page. It also allows you to set a completely different directory, which you can use to login to your website safely. For example: domain.com/secret-login.

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